# UMI Release Notes ## 3.2.4 - A bug that prevented UMI from sometimes loading projects when the system language is non-English has been fixed. ## 3.2.3 - A rare Rhino crashed caused during the calculation of site statistics that is caused by invalid building geometry has been fixed. ## 3.2.2 - A rare Rhino crash caused by a failure to delete a custom District Energy supply module has been fixed. ## 3.2.1 - Rare failures to launch the Harvest foodprint builder should no longer crash Rhino. ## 3.2.0 - UMI now supports Rhino 8! - If your system has both Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 installed, installing UMI will break Rhino 7 support. Only upgrade once you're ready! - The installed template editor is no longer a double-clickable .exe file. You can now run it either via the `UmiEditTemplateLibrary` Rhino command (even without a project opened) or `dotnet C:\Umi\Basilisk.LibraryEditor.dll`. - When UMI creates or opens a project and detects that the model units or the system decimal separator are unexpected, the error message it emits is substantially more noticeable. - Trying to run an energy simulation now shows a warning dialog box if no buildings will be simulated. - An issue preventing an UMI Grasshopper component from opening has been fixed. - The ShadingTree has been added to the SB_Solver Grasshopper component and Core and Perimiter Breps are shown on respective path branches. - UMI is now better at cleaning up old temporary files that may have been lying around. - The included template editor now supports DHW fuel type and COP. - Existing projects will use Natural Gas with a COP of 0.85. - New projects that use the default template libraries shipped with UMI will use Electricity with a COP of 1.0. - The included template editor's advanced structure modeling has been improved: - Foundation soil type is now configurable. - Some live loading presets shown to be unreliable in testing have been removed. - For module authors: - The building template library now has nullability annotations. - UMI now targets net7-windows instead of net48. Enjoy all the new .NET features! ## 3.1.0 - The included template editor now supports advanced structure modeling. - The UMI panel code has been tweaked and updated. This may improve UI responsiveness and reliability in certain cases, such as when multiple Rhino documents have been opened and closed within the same Rhino session. - The max building height in the site analysis panel now has the correct units. - The default electricity costs have been updated. - UMI features are now correctly saved even when the project is saved while closing the Rhino document. - Energy simulation updates: - The energy simulation properly handles DHW calculations for building zones with no occupants. - Energy simulation has been overhauled and now can be run in "batched" mode, in which UMI simulates subsets of the project at a time and saves the project between subsets. - Energy simulation cancellation is more responsive. - A validation check performed at the beginning of an energy simulation has been substantially sped up. - UMI and the template editor now properly support the DifferentialEnthalpy economizer type. - For module authors: - UMI emits a better error message if a module (mistakenly) attempts to specify a null module tab icon. - The DatabaseUpdated event now triggers after undeletion lists have been updated. - UmiEventSource now includes a ProjectSaved event that fires after a project has been saved. ## 3.0.0 - Two new plugins have been added! 1. [Harvest](https://web.mit.edu/sustainabledesignlab/projects/Harvest/index.html), the first plugin for urban food production simulation. 2. District Energy, a plugin for optimizing distributed energy ressources. - Bugs, Fixes and Optimization: - A rare issue regarding false coloring has been fixed. (#120) - An issue regarding the Thermal Absorptance of OpaqueMaterials has been fixed. `ThermalAbsorptance` and `ThermalEmittance` are considered equal for long wavelength radiant exchange. (#108) - A method mistakenly added to the public API that parsed project settings from a file on disk has been removed. - An issue creating large file sizes or failure to save when hourly simulation is turned on has been fixed. - An issue where the Energy plugin would not appear automatically after installing UMI on Rhino 7 has been fixed. - UMI now requires .NET Framework 4.8. (This is required by Rhino 7, so if you're running Rhino 7, you have it.) - UMI developers will need to install the [.NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net48-developer-pack-offline-installer). - UMI now targets Rhino 7. - Side-by-side installations are not supported, and installing this version will break existing UMI installations into Rhino 6. For best results, uninstall from Rhino before installing this version. - UMI now references default libraries in C:\Umi\default-libraries instead of C:\Umi\DefaultLibraries - The Energy module can now save IDF models in the UMI bundle. Run `UmiToggleSaveIdfModelsInBundle` to activate and deactivate before saving. - Help links have been updated to point to [umidocs.readthedocs.io](https://umidocs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) - Additional UmiLayers to accomodate the new [WaterConsumption Plugin](https://github.com/MITSustainableDesignLab/Umi.WaterConsumption). Installed separately. - Added WaterCarbon and WaterCost project settings. - Template Editor contains additional fields: - default WWR, authors, author's name, year from, year to, country, climate zone, version, heating fuel type, cooling fuel type - A bug causing certain project settings to not be saved in some cases has been fixed. - The Site Analysis panel is now scrollable. (#158) - The GIS module has been removed, as its functionality has been superseded by UBEM.io. - Simulation modules have been reordered in the panel. - The Rhino window title now correctly shows the UMI project name instead of the Rhino document name in Rhino 7. ## 2.13.0 - The Energy panel shows site-level energy metrics if no buildings are selected. - The `OriginalProjectedOrigin` is added to project-settings. It records the (x, y) projected vector of the goemetries. (0, 0) by default. - UBEM.io calculates the centroid of the GIS file and writes the (x, y) vector to `OriginalProjectedOrigin`. - Use this value to translate back rhino geometries to UTM coordinates. ## 2.12.0 - Exported results now include Rhino object ID, result unit, and result resolution. - Overheating quick results now only display at most two decimal points. - UMI bundles with stored thermal comfort results should be drastically smaller. - The site analysis panel now shows units on site-level metrics and rounds some more aggressively. - A bug in operational energy's fresh air calculation has been fixed. - A bug that caused a Rhino crash upon data export failure has been fixed. ## 2.11.0 - A project's site-wide ground temperature can now be set using the UmiSetGroundTemperature command. - The default temperature is 18 degrees C, which is a change from the previous assumption of 14 degrees C. - This value is used by the built-in energy module and can be consumed by any UMI module. - A bug that prevented the energy Grasshopper components from loading has been fixed. - The Shoeboxer "PerOrientationPerBuilding" cluster schema has been removed. This experimental schema was only ever supported in Grasshopper, and removing it unlocks substantial future performance improvements for all energy simulations. - A bug that caused a non-fatal error message in the Rhino console during autosaves has been fixed. ## 2.10.0 - A data structure used by the energy module has been optimized, slightly improving performance on large models. - A performance issue leading to Rhino being unresponsive when selecting many buildings has been fixed. - The energy module more reliably loads prior simulation results into the quick results panel when opening existing projects. - Shoebox weights can be exported using the -UmiExportShoeboxWeights command to a json-like file format. - The performance of the window/floor preview system has been greatly improved, especially for larger models. ## 2.9.0 - The energy module can now run the raytracing scene on acceleraded GPUs; requires [Accelerad](https://nljones.github.io/Accelerad/) and a CUDA® enabled GPU. ## 2.8.0 - There is now an UMI Gis module to import shapefiles and CityGML files into UMI projects. Imports also require a configuration file. See umidocs.readthedocs.io for formatting. ## 2.7.0 - The Energy Module now computes Domestic Hot Water (DHW) correctly. - Internal errors that occur while generating the results viewer chart will no longer crash Rhino. ## 2.6.26 - When a building's name is changed, the updated name is sent to simulators without a project reload, so the updated name will be properly exported when results are exported. - After a build name change and resimulation, the results viewer will still need to be refreshed to see the new building name. This can be done by simply selecting a different output metric. - Line series are now exported as one building per row instead of one building per column. - When a project is opened and the results viewer panel is already open, the panel now refreshes automatically. ## 2.6.25 - UMI will now respect changes to building visibility immediately, without needing to reload the project. - The daylighting simulation now has an experimental streaming mode, which should reduce memory consumption substantially. Enable it with the UmiSetDaylightingStreamingMode command. ## 2.6.24 - When exporting daylight results for buildings that have had no other simulations run, the generated CSV contains building names instead of building IDs. ## 2.6.23 - Daylight sensor culling has a new pre-filter applied, drastically improving its speed. ## 2.6.22 - Previously, when window or floor line previews were "disabled," they were still generated, but merely hidden. They are now properly disabled, substantially improving UMI's performance. - Daylight simulation preparation has been improved: - Some minor performance improvements have been made. - The preparation is now more verbose. ## 2.6.21 - The daylighting module shows more granular log output, and can be canceled in more places. - The daylighting module now only includes objects (buildings, shading, physical boundaries) within a set distance from simulated buildings. - The default distance is 100m. - The distance can be edited with the UmiSetDaylightRadius command. - Changes do the distance are not saved when Rhino is restarted. - The "inclusion shell" can be viewed with the UmiToggleDaylightRadiusPreview command. ## 2.6.20 - Some performance improvements have been made to the daylighting module: - The module ignores Rhino autosave events like the rest of UMI. - More of the module is disabled when no UMI project is loaded. - Result sets are saved and loaded via streaming. - The UmiWhereSqliteInterop command has been added to assist in diagnosing third-party module problems. - Geometry generation within the shoeboxer is more robust. ## 2.6.19 - The energy module can now consume weather files with spaces in their paths. ## 2.6.18 - Thermal comfort calculation can now be disabled when projects' energy is simulated on an hourly basis. When energy simulations are run without thermal comfort calculation enabled, existing thermal comfort data are deleted, reducing bundle size and improving load times. - The UmiSetBuildingSetting command now properly updates the building settings panel, and a project reload is no longer required to pass the new settings to simulators. ## 2.6.17 - UMI handles energy simulation for large projects better. - Energy simulation respects cancellation at more points in the process. ## 2.6.16 - Building templates can now have default WWR values assigned in the template editor, and UMI will use these values when new buildings are created. ## 2.6.14 - A rare Rhino crash caused by the splash screen has been eliminated. ## 2.6.13 - UMI will show the building settings controls even when the selected buildings do not share a template. - The skylight WWR can be adjusted in 1% increments by the arrow keys when selected. ## 2.6.12 - UMI's template library editor provides better error messages when a library fails to load. - When an UMI project is open, moving lots of buildings should not cause a substantial Rhino pause anymore. ## 2.6.11 - UMI now requires .NET Framework 4.6.2 (it used to requre 4.5). - Modules can now define custom defaults for custom settings types they use. - The mobility network debugging preview now highlights departure points that were not added to the network. - UMI now allows skylight definitions, although no first-party modules use them. ## 2.6.10 - The energy simulation's performance on large models has been improved: - More cancellation checkpoints have been added, making cancellation more responsive. - More steps are run in parallel. - Launching the simulation via the panel causes less initial Rhino input lag. - The energy simulation has had some more specific error messages added to the post-simulation stage. ## 2.6.9 - The Grasshopper component for retrieving series data will return building series in the same order that the input buildings were in. ## 2.6.8 - Building names will refresh in the summary view shown by UmiListObjects when changed. ## 2.6.6 - The energy simulation will run even if a building's WWR is set to 0. ## 2.6.5 - The site analysis module now falsecolors buildings based on their template name. ## 2.6.4 - The site analysis module now presents more site statistics, including template group-level statistics. ## 2.6.3 - Template library CSV import is now more flexible about the date format it accepts. ## 2.6.2 - UMI now ships and uses EnergyPlus 8.4. ## 2.6.1 - Module authors can now define a falsecolor function from an entire building, not just a Rhino object ID. ## 2.6.0 - UmiCommand now has properties and a method that can be used to detect the current energy simulation status and launch a new one, allowing modules to trigger energy simulations and use their results. ## 2.5.16 - UmiModule now has an OnEnergySimulationCompleted for more easily capturing energy simulation results. (This functionality was already available in UmiEventSource, but now it's also in this more convenient location.) ## 2.5.15 - Two new Rhino commands have been added: UmiImportTemplateLibraryCsvs and UmiExportTemplateLibraryCsvs. These import and export the loaded template library as a set of CSV files for easier bulk editing.